Grant Proposal
This grant proposal for an adult civil service program was completed for LIS 60612: Library Materials and Services for Adults. It aligns with PLO One: Apply the field’s foundational theories, principles, values, ethics, and skills to everyday practice, and PLO Five: Identify needs and connect individuals and communities with information that engages and empowers them. For this assignment, I wrote an application for the Peggy Barber Tribute Grant in order to receive funding to develop a program to educate the public on running for local office and encouraging new people to do so, in order to address a community need for local elective officials to be more representative of the actual diversity of the city. This assignment allowed me to learn and develop grant-writing skills, which is important for library practice. This project also connects to competency 6E of the ALA Core Competencies of Librarianship, which states that librarians “Engage in evaluation and assessment of programs, services, and partnerships, with input from the community being served.”